Overview Of Full Stack Developer Training in Saudi Arabia and India

A Full Stack Developer is a programmer who can perform all web development tasks in both the back-end and front-end of a web application. Being skilled in front-end and back-end, the full stacker possesses a variety of abilities including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, programming languages, and database management. Visible Stars’s Full Stack Developer Course aims to offer thorough training to excel in today's world. The program covers front-end development basics like HTML, CSS, and the React.js JavaScript framework. For back-end development, you will gain knowledge in the Node.js programming language and MongoDB database.

The picture depicts two sides of what makes a full-stack developer

This course is tailored for individuals and professionals from IT and non-IT backgrounds. You can choose Python over Node.js and relational (MySQL) over MongoDB (NoSQL) for customization. Throughout the course, you will complete a web development project at your own pace. The project involves working on a website where you will implement various functions such as User Interface (UI) Development, Search Functionality, Interactive Design, Data Management, API Development, Payment Integration, Data Fetching, and Display.

Benefits of Full Stack Developer Training

  • Get a high-paid job: Full-stack developers are always in demand among startups to enterprises. There are a lot of high-paying jobs across the globe. The job will also allow you to work remotely and commit to freelance jobs as well.
  • Gain a full spectrum of knowledge on web development: Regardless of your IT background and skills, you will become proficient in the various topics and functions of web development. The 60-hour course may be extended by a few hours to offer you detailed web development scenarios.
  • Strengthen your portfolio: A portfolio of good websites is mandatory to get into a full-stack developer job. As a part of our training, you will get the opportunity to work on dynamic website development projects that will strengthen your portfolio.
  • Acquire modern web development skills: This course will help you master modern web development components such as MongoDB database and Node.js programming language etc. known for its high adaptability, high performance and developer friendliness.
  • Enhance your productivity: Participants can learn Node.js as a back-end development language instead of Python and React.js as a front-end development language that will enhance efficiency and productivity in web development.

Features of Fullstack Developer Training

  • Training from scratch:

    This course is suitable for individuals from both IT and non-IT backgrounds. If you are a person with zero web development, the course will start from scratch.

  • Project-oriented class:

    You will work on an extensive web development project during the course. The project will start on the third day of the course.

  • Flexible timing:

    You have weekdays and weekend options and it can be completed within 2 or 3 months. You have the freedom to finish your project at your own pace.

  • Course customisation:

     We will customise the course according to your requirements. You have the customisation option in both back-end and front-end development training.

  • 60-hour extensive course:

    The 60-hour extensive course will touch every aspect of front end, back end and database to prepare you to become a Full-stack developer.

  • Online and Classroom Sessions:

    Online and Classroom Sessions: You can choose either online or classroom sessions for our Fullstack developer course.

Industries Looking for Fullstack Developers

Technology and Software Development Companies


Finance and Fintech

Healthcare Sector

Education Sector

Travel and Hospitality

Government Organisation

Media and Entertainment

Prerequisites For Fullstack Development Course:

    • Anyone from a technical or non-technical background who wants to start a lucrative career in Web application development regardless of their degree or experience can join this course. 

Full Stack Course Modules

  • Module 1: Introduction to HTML, CSS, and Javascript
  • Session 1: Introduction to Web Development
  • 1.1 Overview of Web Development
  • Understanding the roles of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Overview of front-end and back-end development
  • 1.2 Setting Up a Development Environment
  • Choosing a code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code)
  • Introduction to browser developer tools
  • Session 2: HTML Fundamentals
  • 2.1 Introduction to HTML
  • Structure of an HTML document
  • HTML tags, elements, and attributes
  • Semantic HTML for better structure
  • 2.2 Creating a Basic Web Page
  • Building a simple webpage with HTML
  • Working with headings, paragraphs, lists, and links
  • Session 3: CSS Fundamentals
  • 3.1 Introduction to CSS
  • Understanding the role of CSS in styling web pages
  • CSS syntax and selectors
  • 3.2 Styling Web Pages with CSS
  • Adding styles to HTML elements
  • Working with colours, fonts, and backgrounds
  • Session 4: Layout and Box Model
  • 4.1 Box Model in CSS
  • Understanding the box model (margin, padding, border)
  • Controlling dimensions and spacing
  • 4.2 Page Layout Techniques
  • Introduction to layout techniques (flexbox, grid)
  • Creating responsive layouts
  • Session 5: JavaScript Basics
  • 5.1 Introduction to JavaScript
  • Role of JavaScript in web development
  • Basic syntax and data type
  • 5.2 Working with Variables and Operators
  • Declaring variables
  • Mathematical and logical operators
  • Working with arrays and objects
  • Session 6: Control Flow and Functions
  • 6.1 Conditional Statements
  • if, else if, else statements
  • Switch statements
  • 6.2 Functions in JavaScript
  • Defining functions
  • Parameters and return statements
  • Session 7: DOM Manipulation
  • 7.1 Introduction to the DOM (Document Object Model)
  • Understanding the DOM structure
  • Accessing and manipulating DOM elements with JavaScript
  • 7.2 Event Handling
  • Handling user interactions with events
  • Common events (click, submit, etc.)
  • Module 2: MONGO DB
  • Session 1:  Introduction to MongoDB
  • What is MongoDB?
  • NoSQL vs. SQL databases
  • Key features of MongoDB
  • Installation and Setup
  • Installing MongoDB
  • Exploring MongoDB shell
  • Data Modeling in MongoDB
  • Session 2: Introduction to MongoDB
  • BSON data format
  • Collections and documents
  • Schema design considerations
  • CRUD Operations
  • Creating, reading, updating, and deleting documents
  • Using the MongoDB shell for CRUD operations
  • Session 3: Querying and Data Retrieval
  • Querying with MongoDB
  • Basic queries
  • Comparison operators
  • Logical operators
  • Array queries
  • Indexing and Performance Optimization
  • Importance of indexing
  • Creating and managing indexes
  • Query performance optimisation
  • Aggregation Framework
  • Session 4: Introduction to the aggregation pipeline
  • Aggregation stages: $match, $group, $project, etc.
  • Examples of complex queries
  • Geospatial Data in MongoDB
  • Storing and querying geospatial data
  • Geospatial indexing
  • Real-world applications
  • Module 3: Angular Course Outline
  • Session 1: Introduction to Angular
  • What is Angular?
  • Key features and benefits
  • Angular versions (AngularJS vs. Angular)
  • Setting up the Development Environment
  • Installing Node.js and npm
  • Angular CLI (Command Line Interface)
  • Creating your first Angular application
  • TypeScript Fundamentals
  • Session 2: Introduction to TypeScript
  • TypeScript features (static typing, interfaces, classes)
  • Using TypeScript with Angular
  • Angular Modules and Components
  • Creating and organising modules
  • Creating and using components
  • Component lifecycle hooks
  • Session 3: Building Angular Applications
  • Data Binding
  • Property binding
  • Event binding
  • Two-way data binding
  • Directives and Structural Directives
  • Session 4: Introduction to directives
  • Built-in directives (ngIf, ngFor)
  • Custom directives
  • Services and Dependency Injection
  • Creating and using services
  • Dependency injection in Angular
  • Singleton services
  • Routing and Navigation
  • Session 5: Setting up Angular Router
  • Configuring routes
  • Navigating between components
  • Forms and Form Validation
  • Template-driven forms
  • Reactive forms
  • Form validation and error handling
  • Session 6: Building Real-world Applications
  • Creating a CRUD Application
  • Building a simple CRUD application
  • Module 4: React.js course outline
  • Session 1: Introduction to React.js
  • 1.1 Overview of React.js
  • What is React?
  • React.js component-based architecture
  • Virtual DOM and its benefits
  • 1.2 Setting Up a React Development Environment
  • Installing Node.js and npm
  • Creating a new React application using Create React App
  • Understanding the project structure
  • Session 2: JSX and Components
  • 2.1 Introduction to JSX
  • Syntax and features
  • JSX vs. HTML
  • 2.2 React Components
  • Creating functional components
  • Class components and their lifecycle methods
  • Props and state in React components
  • Session 3: State and Props
  • 3.1 Managing Component State
  • Understanding state in React
  • setState method and asynchronous updates
  • Handling user input and forms
  • 3.2 Working with Props
  • Passing data between components using props
  • PropTypes for prop validation
  • Default props
  • Session 4: React Hooks
  • 4.1 Introduction to Hooks
  • useState for managing state in functional components
  • useEffect for side effects in functional components
  • Rules of Hooks
  • 4.2 Additional Hooks
  • useContext, useReducer, and other custom hooks
  • Best practices for using hooks
  • Session 5: React Router
  • 5.1 Introduction to React Router
  • Setting up routes in a React application
  • Route parameters and navigation
  • Nested routes and route guards
  • 5.2 Navigation Patterns
  • Redirects and conditional rendering
  • Using NavLink and withRouter
  • Module 5: Node.js Course outline
  • Session 1: Introduction to Node.js
  • Overview of Node.js
  • Installation of Node.js and npm
  • Setting up a basic Node.js application
  • Understanding the event-driven, non-blocking architecture of Node.js
  • Session 2: JavaScript ES6+ for Node.js
  • Refreshing core JavaScript concepts
  • Introduction to ES6 features (let and const, arrow functions, template literals)
  • Exploring Promises and Async/Await for asynchronous programming
  • Session 3: Node.js Basics
  • Introduction to CommonJS modules
  • Creating and importing modules
  • Working with npm packages and package.json
  • Understanding the event loop and asynchronous programming in Node.js
  • Session 4: Building Web Servers with Express.js
  • Introduction to Express.js
  • Setting up an Express.js application
  • Handling routes and requests
  • Implementing middleware in Express.js
  • Session 5: RESTful API Development
  • Designing RESTful APIs
  • Handling HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • Implementing routing with Express.js
  • Using the Express.js Router for modular routing
  • Session 6: Database Integration
  • Connecting to databases (MongoDB, MySQL, etc.)
  • Performing CRUD operations with Node.js
  • Introduction to Mongoose (for MongoDB)
  • Defining schemas and models with Mongoose
  • Session 7: Authentication and Authorization
  • Implementing user authentication with Passport.js
  • Token-based authentication for Securing APIs
  • Role-based access control for authorisation
  • Securing routes and resources in an Express.js application
  • Session 8: Real-time Communication with WebSocket
  • Understanding WebSocket protocol
  • Setting up WebSocket in Node.js with Socket.io
  • Building a real-time chat application
  • Version Control and Continuous Integration (10 hours)
  • Git basics
  • GitHub/GitLab usage
  • CI/CD Pipeline
  • Content cluster
  • Transactional intent
  • Directional intent
  • React JavaScript

 Full Stack Development Projects

Creativity and imagination hold a vital role in web development. It is the developers who decide how creatively they can design user interfaces, data visualizations, and interaction flows. Considering this aspect, there is always the choice to develop your own website, be it your portfolio website, your business website, or the kind of website that is required to build in the industry you are looking to enhance your career.

If you do not have a predefined requirement, our expert trainers will guide you to develop a full-fledged yacht booking website based on the front-end and back-end lessons you learn from the course. Simultaneously you will work on the project to gain hands-on experience. This project will allow you to experiment with your skills in front-end development (HTML, CSS, React.js) and introduce you to back-end development concepts with Node.js and MongoDB. The process of the project is as follows:  


  • Plan a unique website layout and interface using your creativity. (If not, you can use the pre-defined user interface developed by the trainer.)
  • Set up a development environment: How to install software that is required to develop the website. Visual Studio Code for HTML, CSS and JavaScript, Node JS for React, and Angular CLI for Angular.
  • You will learn to create divs, sections, and other elements using HTML. On the website, you will develop multiple sections such as the hero section, availability calendar, booking process, features, offers, contact us, testimonials and so on.
  • You will experiment with how to add an image, how to create different styles and sizes of fonts, how to create a form (through which you read the input from the user), how to add a logo, how to create buttons, how to load images dynamically, adding YouTube link and opening it as a new page.

Back-End Development

  • Create a basic Node.js server to handle data requests from the front end: This process allows the server to receive the response from a user and provide results to the front end for the query from a user.
  • Work on MongoDB database: Set up a local MongoDB instance (or use a cloud-based option) to store mock yacht data (name, description, image, etc.)
  • API Integration: Develop basic Node.js API endpoints to simulate fetching yacht data from the database. These endpoints would be called by your React components to populate the website with yacht information.
  • At the end, you will do the testing and deployment of the website.
Flowchart representation of Full Stack Development

How to Get a Fullstack Developer Certification? 

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Full Stack Development Training Options

Choose the best training options to suit your needs.

Classroom Training

  • 60 hours Instructor-led Classes
  • Case Study Presentation
  • Lecture-Based Presentation
    Video and Audio Inserts
  • Simulated Exams and Exam Practice
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Customized Corporate Training

  • Customised learning (digital/ instructor-led)
  • Flexible pricing options
  • Enterprise-grade Learning Management System (LMS)
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Live Virtual Training

  • Authorised Instructor-led Classes
  • Weekend/Weekday Classes
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Locations Where Visible Stars Offers Full Stack Development Course

Here is the list of other major locations where Visible Stars offers Full Stack Development Course
Full Stack Developer Course in Bahrain | Full Stack Developer Course in Riyadh | Full Stack Developer Course in Muscat | Full Stack Developer Course in Kuwait | Full Stack Developer Course in Sharjah | Full Stack Developer Course in Jeddah | Full Stack Developer Course in Qatar

Review & Ratings

Visible Stars has a Trustpilot Score of 4.5
Visible Stars received a Score of 4.5 on Edarabia
Visible Stars got a 4.5 Score on Goodfirms.
Aggregate Review Score


What is the average salary of a Full Stack Developer in Saudi Arabia and India?

The average salary of a Full Stack Developer is AED 31,500 per month.

What are the options available for front-end development training?

The students can choose either Angularjs or Reactjs for the front-end development. 

Why choose Visible Stars for the Full Stack Developer Course in Saudi Arabia and India?

Fullstack Developer Training in Saudi Arabia and India equips individuals with the skills needed to create robust tech products. Participants will get multiple study aids and we provide flexible class timings. Our upgraded Full-stack Course curriculum and industry-led instructors will accelerate your career in full-stack development. Enrol now and take your career to new heights! 

What is the Full Stack Developer Course in Saudi Arabia and India?

Full stack developer course in Saudi Arabia and India provided by Visible Stars is a 60-hour training that encompasses extensive sessions on front-end, back-end and database management. This course will help you build static and dynamic websites in modern frameworks.

What are the objectives of the Full Stack Developer Training Course in Saudi Arabia and India?

The following are the objectives of full-stack developer training,

  • Understanding how to build complex web applications.
  • Develop skills in various Programming languages.
  • Gain a full spectrum of knowledge on Web Development.
  • To impart confidence to lead challenging IT projects



Who can pursue the Full Stack Developer Course in Saudi Arabia and India?

There are no prerequisites for enrolling in the Full-Stack Developer course. Individuals from non-IT backgrounds can also join our Fullstack development course. 

What are the skills acquired through the Full Stack Developer Training in Saudi Arabia and India?

Upon the successful completion of the Full Stack Developer Course at Visible Stars, you will acquire skills in

  • Front-end languages and frameworks.
  • JavaScript programming language.
  • Backend technologies and frameworks.
  • Database management systems.
  • Understanding project objectives and creating engaging tech products.
  • Analytical thinking and problem-solving.